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On World Earth Day 2023, we want to help spread the message about this year’s theme: ‘Invest In Our Planet’, share our story, celebrate the organisations that are helping us to achieve our mission, and hopefully inspire others to join the movement too.

The OCEANR story

OCEANR is a circular economy business. Our mission is to reclaim the oceans by removing as much plastic waste as we can and recycling it into something new, creating a fully sustainable, economic ecosystem for our products.

We partner with brands to create eco apparel and products to support their sustainability objectives and their commitment to a healthier planet.  Our brand partners include ocean-side luxury resorts, superyachts, and dive centres as well as the eco-conscious consumer.


At OCEANR, we are proud to support some amazing non-profit partners all over the world.

In this blog, we hope to highlight their commitment to protecting our earth and commend the greener mark they help us to leave on our planet!

OCEANR Sea Legacy

6 ways to Invest In Our Planet

This year, World Earth Day is promoting six key ways that we can Invest In Our Planet, many of which are reflected in our brand’s pillars and our partnerships:

1. Push for climate literacy

We can’t hide away from the reality of climate change. The more we can do to promote and encourage climate literacy, the more empowered we’ll all be to help restore our planet’s health.

As part of our latest initiative to go beyond carbon neutral, we’re delighted to announce a new partnership with UOCEAN.

UOCEAN, are committed to restoring the world’s mangrove forests, which are among the most threatened ecosystems on the planet. UOCEAN works with volunteers, individuals, communities, governments, schools, universities, and businesses in over 33 countries to promote sustainable behaviors, remove marine plastics from canals, rivers, and beaches, and deploy educational toolkits to teach the next generation about environmental conservation and climate change.

In addition to these efforts, they are dedicated to reforesting coastlines with mangroves to restore the very ecosystems that support marine life and protect coastal communities. 

Through our partnership, we hope to inspire others to take action and join us in the fight to preserve our planet’s natural resources and protect the future of life on Earth.

Watch this space as this exciting partnership evolves!

OCEANR x UOCEAN 2050 Project®

2. Plant more trees

Trees are one of the most powerful tools for buying us time in the fight against the climate crisis. Restoring forests is critical to keeping temperature rises below 1.5c.

For the past 3 years, we have partnered with Plant-For-The-Planet in their efforts to protect the world’s trees and bring back a further one trillion trees to tackle the climate crisis and biodiversity loss. 

Donate to help protect and regrow the Mayan forests of the Yucatan Peninsula

Plant for the planet x OCEANR

3. Support sustainable fashion

‘Fast fashion’ is based on a ‘take-make-waste’ model; cheap clothing, produced quickly, is designed to be worn and discarded within a short time period. 

Apparel companies produce 100 billion garments per year; less than 12 % of clothing is recycled and 87% of clothing is disposed of in landfills or incinerated. The environmental impact is eye-watering.

We are working to reduce textile waste in the industry with the help of our brand partners. 

We have launched a Take it Back Programme where we incentivise OCEANR brand partners to return used garments to our factory for repair or recycling and reintroduce them to the original processing and manufacturing cycle.

OCEANR’s recycled polyester products are made from post consumer plastic waste, helping to keep plastic out of the environment.

Through our brand partnerships we’re currently celebrating a milestone of saving 1,500,000 plastic bottles from entering into our environment by using our fabrics!

The more brand partners we work with, the more we can achieve.

Through our range we strive to source the most sustainable fabrics, that are kind to planet, including certified organic cotton and eco-progressive fabrics and trims.

We’ve partnered with BCome – a BCorp organisation that integrates knowledge and technology to empower companies to build responsible supply chains and guarantee transparency for consumers. With their help, we are on mission to promote full transparency: tracing the lifecycle of all our products, assessing their environmental impact.

Look out for this information coming soon on our product tags!


Islas Secas

Our brand partner, Islas Secas plastic offset certificate, through our collaboration 15,703 plastic water bottles were saved from entering our eco-system

4. Help to end plastic pollution

According to the WWF, the amount of plastic in the ocean is expected to double in the next 15 years, and by 2050 if we don’t make drastic changes there could be more plastic than fish in the sea.

Through our partnership with Enaleia, we remove 1kg of ocean waste for every OCEANR garment purchased via our #akilofortheplanet initiative.

OCEANR Impact Campaign

5. Global cleanup

The great global cleanup is a worldwide campaign to rid the environment of waste and plastic pollution.

As an organisation, we undertook our first international beach clean in Greece with our friends at Enaleia.

We are committed to removing as much plastic as we can from our water systems. In the lead-up to World Earth Day, our team at our head office in Cork wanted to play their part in the Global cleanup. We’ll be undertaking a local river cleanup with the surrounding communities! Find a local cleanup, wherever you are in the world, using this interactive map.

OCEANR beach cleanup

6. Vote Earth

Cast a vote for our wonderful planet Earth by joining the world’s largest environmental movement. There are a range of ways you can do this by making a pledge on World Earth Day.

The choices we each make do affect the bigger picture, make a change by opting for brands and organisations that prioritise sustainability. We’ve already seen a shift within the Gen Z set, with 45% having stopped buying from brands with poor ethical and sustainability practices. 

Person holding plastic bottles and hose

Join the green revolution: Become an OCEANR brand partner

We’ve always believed that our greatest impact will not be just what we do, but how much – through our words and actions – we can influence individuals and organisations to take on that sustainable journey and in turn, influence others to do the same. A ripple effect for positive action to restore ecosystems and the health of our beautiful planet.

OCEANR Sea Legacy

Our mantra is, “Good for the environment is good for business”. A sentiment echoed by World Earth Day: “Sustainability is the path to prosperity for humanity and businesses alike. Companies who’ve developed strong Environmental Social Governance (ESG) standards are seeing better profitability, stronger financial performance, and happier employees”.

Talk to us about becoming an OCEANR brand partner. Because together, we can achieve even greater impact, reclaiming our oceans for a better future. 

Ready to Invest In Our Planet? Let’s do this. Book a virtual meeting with us using the calendar, below. We can’t wait to hear from you.

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